Alexa Discord Channel Mover

This project orignally began as a joke Discord bot to be used by my friends. It was called "Johnny Jail Bot" and it's only purpose was to move our friend Johnny into a Discord channel called "Johnny Jail". However, if I needed to tab back into Discord and run a command, that sort of defeted the purpose of having the bot right? So, I wanted to be able to trigger the bot with a voice command. Using the Alexa Skills Kit, I was able to hook up the Discord bot with a custom Alexa Skill. This allowed me to tell Alexa to move Johnny to "Johnny Jail", and Johnny would be moved. After building this, I decided I could expand it be able to move any use into any channel. I was able to achieve this by using the concept of "Intent Slots" in Alexa skills which basically allow you to pull variables out of an utterance. Now, people in Discord tend to have non-traditional names for both their usernames and names of voice channels. Alexa is not likely to understand these names correctly when speaking. So I made use of a fuzzy matching library, fuze.js, to match what Alexa heard to the actual usernames and channel names. This works quite well and I am able to move users between channels with voice. I also am able to bulk move all users from one channel to another. Of course, there is also still a joke feature which allows me to send users to the "Shadow Realm".

Check out the code here!

Portfolio Website

The website you are looking at right now! This website serves as my porfolio, so I can share my work and the work I am passionate about. I built this website using Next.js and Tailwind CSS, and deployed on Vercel. This website also features an AI assistant powered by OpenAI's GPT 3.5, which can answer questions about by resume. Try it out on the Resume page.

Check out the code here!